Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday y'all!

I know I've been a little absent from the blogging world lately.
School is back in full swing and having Army duties last weekend put me behind.
But I couldn't forget about Thankful Thursday!
I really need to think about what I have to be thankful for this week!!

I'm thankful... for all the sweet comments I got on last week's post. It means a lot to me when I write something personal like that to get such a positive response. I didn't get a chance to respond to every comment, but I read them all and was really touched! Because of the response, I will be adding it to my Best Of Southern Charm section on the left of my blog.

I'm thankful... to have a little bit more laid back weekend this weekend even if I do have two tests to study for. Last week I went to school all week only to have the Army stuff Thursday through Sunday. Then I started my week off bright and early Monday morning at school.

I'm thankful... for my mom. She's always there to support me when I'm feeling down and encourage me when I don't think I can do something.

I'm thankful... for my husband. I don't know how I ever went to school living in a dorm without anyone's help getting things done. I guess then I didn't have a whole house to take care of, and I didn't have to cook. But still. He takes very good care of me so I can get my work done!

I'm thankful... for all my loyal readers who have been so understanding about my absence lately. I really miss y'all and am hoping to be around more in the next couple of days!

I'm thankful... that the weather is finally cooling off a bit.

What are you thankful for today?

Link up and let us know!


  1. Thank you for hosting this link-up, I really look forward to it each week. And I adore that pic of you and your husband,its really beautiful and full of love.

  2. Love the photos of you and your mom and you and your hubby! Hope you're weekend is great and you get a chance to relax. xoxo

  3. Great things to be thankful for! I hope you have a great weekend :)

  4. I've missed you but it's totally understandable to be absent from blogger :) Hope that things settle down a bit so you can relax and enjoy yourself for a while!

  5. Love it! Wonderful things to be thankful for, per usual. Hope you have a relaxing weekend, even with the studying :)

  6. We have cool weather today too--and I'm just not so sure I like it! AH! I think if we had some 60s and 70s I'd be ok, but we've dropped to the 50s! It makes it very hard to be motivated to run when I'm cold! HA! I loved what you wrote about your husband--very precious! :) Hope you have a good Thursday! :)

  7. Love the picture of you and your mom! My mom never wants pictures taken of her so I don't get many, so be very thankful that you even get pictures of/with her! haha.

    I'm also thankful for my husband helping me this week. He's really been helping me out a lot lately with no griping.

  8. Love the photos. Spend every minute you can with your mother. I am really missing mine today. Life is too darn short.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. What wonderful things to be thankful for :) Aren't moms the best?!

  10. Great photos of you with you Mom and you with your husband! Loving the things you are thankful for this week and hoping you have a great weekend.

    Good luck on the tests you are studying for :)

  11. I think it's pretty typical for bloggers to go in and out with their blogging. Otherwise you'd get major bloggy burnout! :o) I can't even imagine how busy you must be with all that you do! I love the pictures of you and your mom and your husband! So cute!


Thanks for stopping by y'all! I love your comments, and I read each and EVERY one!