Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Wednesday y'all!

Here's what I'm loving today!

I'm loving that my week of testing and assignments due is finally over! Since last Wednesday I have had 5 tests, 1 quiz, 1 paper due, and numerous homework assignments. I need a break!

I'm loving that the first day of Fall is in two days!

I'm loving the Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge that I've been linking up to for the past couple of days! It makes me that much more excited for my favorite season to get here :)

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge

I'm loving that I'm shipping out an Etsy order today!

I'm loving that I'm going to be selling my items in my very first craft show next weekend! I'm excited but a little nervous too :)

I'm loving that my mom is going to get to come up to help me at the craft show! That takes a lot of stress off of me.

I'm loving that SCarowinds is about to open for Halloween! Our local amusement park Carowinds turns into SCarowinds (scar-o-winds get it??) for the Halloween season where they run all the rides in the dark and have haunted houses set up around the park.  They have it all decked out in Halloween decorations and all. It's not really scary. It's more corny than anything, but it's fun to do around Halloween :)

What are you loving today?


  1. I am right there with you about being relieved some tests and what not are over for a while. When one comes, they all come! Thankfully the semester is practically half over. :)

  2. I wish that we had a cute Halloween carnival park like that around this time of year. What a great idea!

  3. So excited for everything Falllll!!! :)

  4. I know you'll do great at the Craft Show! I have always wanted to do one myself, but too scared! So, props to you for stepping out and doing it! Whoo hoo!

  5. Sorry I've been MIA on commenting! How exciting you're doing a craft show, I love going to craft shows in the fall. And Cedar Point does Halloweekends up here and I love it!

  6. Good luck at the craft show. I wish the fall weather would come to CA, its suppose to be 90+ till the end of Sept.

    Sweet N Sassy Girls

  7. I love Scarowinds! Halloween is such a fun holiday!

  8. Our theme park does a Fright Fest. It's scary. But I'm a big baby. ;) This year I'll get a free ticket for donating blood, hooray!

    How exciting that you're doing a craft show! I hope it's a big success for you!

  9. Yay for fall! Good luck on your show!

  10. Congratulations and Good Luck on the craft show! Moms are awesome, for real!

    YAY for Fall :)

  11. So excited for fall too! Good luck at your craft show! I'm sure it will be amazing!

  12. I love Scarowinds!!! I haven't been in forever though. We live about 2 hours from Charlotte. Love your blog, so glad to have found you!!
    I tried following but blogger is of course being stupid. I will try again later!

  13. Thanks for playing along!

    YAY for fall!

  14. Good luck at your craft show, I hope you sell alot! That amusement park sounds like a lot of fun!!

  15. Good Luck with your craft show! We have one at a local park next weekend that we make sure to always go too! It's awesome! Im hoping we get to make a trip to Scarowinds also! We haven't made it there this year yet!

  16. I am dying to check out Scarowinds!! I have been wanting to go since moving to NC but haven't gotten the chance yet!


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